Friday, July 06, 2007

Strawberry Social

Summer's in full swing and the berries are ripe for the picking. We've been to the local U-Pick twice already and picked about 19 pounds of strawberries and 5 pounds of raspberries. I've been busy making the house favourite; strawberry banana jam and plan to freeze a whole bunch for later jamming. Other uses for our bountiful berries: Berries and Cream, Strawberry Shortcake, Berries with Scones, Berry Pancakes, Berries in Salads, and Berries in Pies, Crisps, Crumbles, and Slumps....

Strawberry fields forever.

The berries are soo very sweet. Here's what we picked on Wednesday, and we are already planning on going back for more. Yum!


Elizabeth Ann said...

Such bounty! The first thing I thought of when I saw those raspberries was "three juicy, toothsome raspberry tarts". :)

Tina Leavy said...

oooh strawberries. looks like you got plenty to cook with.