Thursday, January 03, 2008

Baking Baguettes

"Without wishing in the slightest degree to disparage the skill and labour of breadmakers by trade, truth compels us to assert our conviction of the superior wholesomeness of bread made in our own homes."

- Elisa Acton, Modern Cookery for Private Families, 1845.

Inspired by a library book,
Joie de Vivre; Simple French Style for Everyday Living
by Robert Arbor I set about trying my hand at making baguettes. I've been baking bread for years, though mostly relying on my bread machine to do the kneading for me. This time though, I did it the old fashioned way and was pleasantly pleased with the result. Lovely crisp, crunchy, crust and dense interior - perfect for smothering with butter and honey. Yum!

The recipe I loosely based my bread on was the One-a-day Baguette over at Try it!

1 comment:

Tina Leavy said...

looks good. stopping by to say"howdy" hope you have a great weekend.